Project Portfolio
Septa R8 – Philadelphia, PA
Duration – 2months
Client – Septa
Category – Earth Retention
The SEPTA R8 project located in the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia featured the construction of a precast concrete retaining wall. This wall was created to hold back soil and rock that was quickly wearing away from under nearby active SEPTA train lines. JPC worked in close proximity to the live overhead catenary system without a hitch utilizing a drilling rig to excavate through rock and a large crane to lower 30 foot soldier piles into place.
312 LF of soldier piles through soil and rock
Precast concrete retaining wall panels totaling over 850SF
Landscaping including various trees, shrubbery, and 4,500 SF of grass seeding
Over 50 CY of concrete and 1,300 LF of reinforcement